Classy Drinks Announced and An Emotional Graph – Movies Briff

Joker Is The Symbol & Idol of Evil Who Changed The Definition of Villain, Read About Why Only Love Can Force You To Sacrifice or Classy Game of Thrones’ Labeled Drinks Coming Soon & Fans Are Loving It – etc many more from Movies & TV Shows on today’s Movies Briff


Adorable & Cute Peaches, Awesome Invention

Baby Peaches can melt any one’s heart, even in the Ice Age.

Ice Age Movies

Likes: 41,901+ | Shares: 1,040+ | Source: Ice Age Movies


Hilarious Introduction For A Super Hero

“His heart is an ocean that’s inside a bigger ocean. For years he’s been watching us with his super vision, saving us with his super strength, and caring for us with his super heart.”


Likes: 13,173+ | Shares: 1,058+ | Source: Megamind


Mutant’s Power Every Women Would Envy

In what shape do you prefer your shapeshifter?

X-Men Movies

Likes: 31,582+ | Shares: 1,202+ | Source: X-Men Movies


Graph Expressing Emotions, Disney Rocks

It’s time to set your emotions in motion:

Toy Story

Likes: 10,173+ | Shares: 1,025+ | Source: Toy Story


Only Love Can Force You To Sacrifice

“Time is luck so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Make yours count for something.” -Gwen Stacy

The Amazing Spider-Man

Likes: 35,515+ | Shares: 2,025+ | Source: The Amazing Spider-Man


Joker, The Symbol & Idol of Evil

“I believe whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you… stranger.”

Batman The Dark Knight

Likes: 183,323+ | Shares: 22,603+ | Source: Batman: The Dark Knight


Hope, The Most Powerful Weapon

“If you’re out there…” #SaveStation
Photo: “If you’re out there…” #SaveStation

Resident Evil Movie

Likes: 43,038+ | Shares: 3,804+ | Source: Resident Evil Movie


Mr. Bean, A Teacher For All

11 times Mr. Bean taught you to embrace your inner child.. by acting like one!

Mr. Bean

Likes: 111,687+ | Shares: 4,202+ | Source: Mr. Bean


Embarrassing Moment If It Rains!! Is It?


Family Guy

Likes: 52,942+ | Shares: 1,024+ | Source: Family Guy


Classy Game of Thrones’ Labeled Drinks Coming Soon

HBO and Brewery Ommegang are pleased to announce the newest Game of Thrones brew coming in the Spring, “Three-Eyed Raven:”

Game of Thrones

Likes: 63,851+ | Shares: 13,631+ | Source: Game of Thrones


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