Circus Elephants – The cruelty will stop soon


No more fun using Elephants on Circus stages

“Circus group Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey won’t feature elephant’s shows from 2018”
Elephant, be it African or Asian, has been the star attraction for circuses for over hundred years. It all began, when P. T. Barnum, the main man of Barnum & Bailey began to exhibit his first African bull named Jumbo in 1882. Since then, Elephants have become synonymous with circuses, with their star performance in the big stages or the parade through the Midtown tunnel as an announcement of a show. Whatever, no matter how much fun they offer to us, it is not funny for them. So, many animal rights activists have filled numerous lawsuits around the globe, to make the circuses stop this cruelty. It did a little though, as companies such as Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey, who performs 1,000 shows a year continued to use them. Finally, they declared to stop using Elephants in their shows from 2018. So, if you are a secret lover of elephant stunt irrespective of the cruel training methods, this post is probably your last chance to watch those, albeit in pictures.

Training Circus Elephants

Circus Elephants

Circus Elephants

Circus Elephants

Circus Elephants

Circus Elephants

Circus Elephants

Circus Elephants

Circus Elephants

Circus Elephants

Circus Elephants

Circus Elephants

Most of the photos in this special post were researched and collected with the help of Google image search. If you want to share this post on, please give full credit and a link.

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