Hole Mystery Resolved and Social Binding Dies – Viral Briff

Read a wonderful love story where love always needed to win for the happiness & joy, ignoring social bindings is not that big mistake compared to ignoring your heart, See some embarrassing moment everyone already faced in life or Get an idea to take revenge, hilarious business idea indeed, they are using your rage to make money – etc many more on today’s Viral Briff


Black Friday Coming, Info For Retailers

Being understaffed on a busy day.


Likes: 2,186+ | Shares: 1,473+ | Source: BuzzFeed


Noble Project! Need More Of It

This project is wonderful. (via The Huffington Post)


Likes: 10,256+ | Shares: 2,000+ | Source: Upworthy


Hole Mystery Almost Resolved! Explanations Ready

Do you remember the giant hole that mysteriously appeared in Siberia a few months ago? Scientists have begun an expedition to the bottom. Check out the photos:

I fucking love science

Likes: 49,878+ | Shares: 9,319+ | Source: I fucking love science


They Aren’t Bridges Only, They Are Artistic too

World’s Strangest Bridges

Stylish Eve

Likes: 59,178+ | Shares: 3,767+ | Source: Stylish Eve


When Love Wins, Social Bindings Must Die

“We did a cabaret show together back when we were younger. He was 29. I was 42. And we were both married at the time. He called me up twenty years later when he was passing through my town. We’d both gotten divorced. After we met for drinks, he leaned down and kissed me, and said: ‘I wanted to do that 20 years ago.’ Then a semi-automatic drove by and honked the horn, I swear to God. It was all very exciting. I mean, I was a grandmother! So on our second date, I said: ‘Before we order, I just want to let you know that I want to go to bed with you.’ Then I took him home and we didn’t leave for three days.”

Humans of New York

Likes: 277,503+ | Shares: 13,370+ | Source: Humans of New York


Amazing Photos That Can Make You Love Winter

Awesome Winter Clicks ᴷᴬ

Architecture & Design
Likes: 75,089+ | Shares: 7,308+ | Source: Architecture & Design


Embarrassing Moment Everyone Faces

When you and your friend trying to sneak late night snacks and your mom walks in
Dude Perfect
Likes: 171,303+ | Shares: 2,438+ | Source: Dude Perfect

Beautiful When You Match Pokemon With The Real World



Likes: 90,847+ | Shares: 10,766+ | Source: 9GAG


Worthy Revenge Indeed, What A Business Idea

You can now anonymously send poop to your enemies:

Bored Panda

Likes: 8,168+ | Shares: 4,888+ | Source: Bored Panda


Epic Failure Of Bar Code Tattoo

From a fan. This confession scans poorly.

George Takei

Likes: 59,664+ | Shares: 9,122+ | Source: George Takei


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