Hello Kitty is NOT what you think and a UFO Caught on Tape – Viral Briff

Hello Kitty is NOT what you think, a new solution for breast-feeding in public, a baby elephant is celebrating freedom, a UFO Caught on Tape, and a must-see does of cute cats – Viral Briff!

Hello Kitty in Not Actually a Cat – BuzzFeed


Sanrio Reveals That Hello Kitty Is NOT ACTUALLY A CAT. It is a human girl!

BuzzFeed about Hello Kitty

Likes: 40,523+ | Shares: 40,683+ | Source: BuzzFeed.


What Do You Do With A Hungry Baby When You’re Out Shopping? This Mom’s Prepared

Countries around the world, including the U.S., have passed laws to protect women’s right to breast-feed in public places. Unfortunately, this hasn’t ended the harassment many women have experienced. I originally encountered this crafty comic on a website for crocheting accompanied by photos of this inspired creation:

Breastfeeding Nipple Hat - Upworthy

Likes: 33,824+ | Shares: 14,769+ | Source: Upworthy


Rescued Baby Elephant Plays With A Ribbon At A Park. My Heart Just Melted

At the Elephant Nature Park sanctuary in Thailand a recently rescued elephant named Faa Mai was given an elastic ribbon to play with. You might not think that elephants (or animals in general) have feelings. When you see what little Faa Mai did, it will keep you smiling for hours…!

Likes: 11,446+ | Shares: 4,385+ | Source: ViralNova


15 Totally Annoying Ways Your Cat Says ‘I Love You’

Cats are sweet, soft, and outrageously adorable. They can also be the most annoying creatures on the planet, with absolutely no regard for personal space or dignity. Turns out that’s just more of their sweetness.

Cat on Head Distractify

To view more adorable cats, click on the Source link.

Likes: 5,149+ | Shares: 4,483+ | Source: Distractify


A UFO, caught on tape

A UFO, caught on tape

UFO Caught on Tape IFLS

Likes: 77,840+ | Shares: 13,689+ | Source: IFLScience


Mark Wahlberg Won’t Attend His Brother’s Wedding Because He Reportedly Hates Jenny McCarthy

Won’t somebody please think of the Wahlburgers? Donnie Wahlberg is getting married to Jenny McCarthy this weekend, and the guest list is a who’s who of C-list talent (probably): Billy Baldwin, Danny Wood, the guy who made ugly shirts for boy bands, etc. But one above-the-title name won’t be in attendance: Donnie’s brother, Mark. He’s a no-show not because he can’t believe his bro isn’t a “fackin’ qweer,” but because, according to TMZ, he and his wife do not like Jenny McCarthy. Wait, you can use not liking Jenny McCarthy as an excuse to get out of things? Damn, now I feel bad for killing all those fake grandmas and aunts in order to leave work 10 minutes early.

Mark Wahlberg Uproxx

Likes: 77,840+ | Shares: 13,689+ | Source: Uproxx


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