Shakira, Worthy Mother Indeed and Sonakshi Dance in KBC – Celebs Briff

Find out the favorite season of Jennifer Lopez & her reaction about Winter coming on, The Rock still following an impressive quote from a kid or Miley & her companion showing tattoos, what was Miley doing? – etc many more on today’s Celebs Briff


The Rock Is Impressed By A Kid’s Word

Heard this quote as a kid and its still my fav today…
“Its nice to be important, but its more important to be nice.” (its also important to exfoliate, but I don’t have a quote for that yet).
Being nice is literally the easiest part of my job. Unless someone’s being an a**hole, then they get their ass kicked;). #BeNiceAndExfoliate

Dwayne The Rock Johnson

Likes: 397,723+ | Shares: 17,122+ | Source: Dwayne The Rock Johnson



Recognize The Unique Talent Every Human Has

Ephesians 2:10 says, “You are God’s masterpiece.” You didn’t come off of an assembly line. You’re not average. You’re not ordinary. You’ve been custom-made.

Joel Osteen Ministries

Likes: 210,185+ | Shares: 42,543+ | Source: Joel Osteen Ministries


Jackie Chan, Tired & Takes A Break

Everyone needs a break sometimes.

成龍 Jackie Chan

Likes: 723,291+ | Shares: 10,217+ | Source: 成龍 Jackie Chan


Memorable KBC Indeed, Dance With Sonakshi

FB 747 – KBC approaches its end almost and there is that feeling of a withdrawal .. there is music and dance and much else to recover .. so I shall discover, and learn and exhibit and perhaps at one time in the know of more than what I should averagely ..

Amitabh Bachchan

Likes: 107,985+ | Shares: 1,050+ | Source: Amitabh Bachchan


Tattoo Showing Ceremony, Where’s Miley’s One?

tat 2 record Wayne Coyne Katy Weaver #floyd

Miley Cyrus

Likes: 144,342+ | Shares: 693+ | Source: Miley Cyrus


Mood Changing & Cute Baby Mermaid,

Someone find my crochet needle.

The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Likes: 269,207+ | Shares: 28,936+ | Source: The Ellen DeGeneres Show


Magical Moments Waiting, Let The Heart Win

Señor, bendice nuestra semana. Cuando nuestro corazón vence la batalla contra el miedo, las maravillas se revelan.

Paulo Coelho

Likes: 43,743+ | Shares: 9,586+ | Source: Paulo Coelho


Kardashian’s Happy Moments Captured

Kim Kardashian

Likes: 409,088+ | Shares: 1,740+ | Source: Kim Kardashian


Task of Parents Showed By Shakira

Show your baby by way of examples the qualities you’d like to teach them. Shak #BestPossibleStart


Likes: 61,279+ | Shares: 701+ | Source: Shakira


JLo’s Favorite Season Ends, Acting Like A Baby

Soooo chilly this morning…I want summer back… #sunnydays #warmnights #tanskin #hangingbythepool #julybaby #LEO #Ilovesummer
Jennifer Lopez

Likes: 489,279+ | Shares: 7,086+ | Source: Jennifer Lopez


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