Try To Feel The Positives In Not Getting Something and Watch The Amazing Sun-glass By Weed Queen Miley Cyrus- Celebs Briff

Learn The Key To Success From Jackie Chan, Busy Days But Still Who Can Forget The Legendary Uttam Kumar or Watch Messi Flying Inside Hong Kong Territory – etc many more on today’s Celebs Briff


Team Worked Praised In The Goal Scoring Night

Happy with the win against Denmark last night. Fantastic team work. #forçaportugal

Cristiano Ronaldo

\Likes: 467,603+ | Shares: 409+ | Source: Cristiano Ronaldo


Life Is A Test, Be Ready To Get Tested

When you find yourself in uncomfortable situations and feel like being impatient, feel like telling somebody off or tempted to be offended, that’s when you have to recognize, “This is a test. I’m here for a reason.”

Joel Osteen Ministries

Likes: 241,703+ | Shares: 63,858+ | Source: Joel Osteen Ministries


Physics Is Gone, Newton Died Here



Likes: 50,918+ | Shares: 1,184+ | Source: Ludacris


Messi Flying Inside Hong Kong Territory

ARGENTINA ASIAN TOUR 2014 (10 photos)
Mirá las fotos de la gira asiática de AFA – Selección Argentina, donde enfrentó a Hong Kong y Brasil.

Check out the pics of the Argentina Asian Tour, where the National team played against Hong Kong and Brazil. — in Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Leo Messi

Likes: 214,955+ | Shares: 2,540+ | Source: Leo Messi


Busy Days But Still Commemorating The Days With The Legend

FB 734 – I have been upto nothing … just some shoots and some inaugurations for Kashmir victims .. my house , my daughter’s house for dinner and now preparing for the morrow and then to Mumbai .. for more KBC … and more work, the essence of life ..
Here with the legendary Uttam Kumar of Bengal .. a decision I would never refuse to accept, when asked to work with him on ‘Ganga Jamuna Saraswati’ … a thorough professional

Amitabh Bachchan

Likes: 109,282+ | Shares: 3,188+ | Source: Amitabh Bachchan


Ignorance & Confidence Along With Focus Are The Keys

Focus is the key to success.

成龍 Jackie Chan

Likes: 322,921+ | Shares: 7,438+ | Source: 成龍 Jackie Chan


Feel The Positives In Not Getting Something

Cuando consiga todo lo que quiero, moriré de aburrimiento.

Paulo Coelho

Likes: 64,810+ | Shares: 13,727+ | Source: Paulo Coelho


Amazing Sun-glass By Weed Queen Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

Likes: 176,820+ | Shares: 956+ | Source: Miley Cyrus


Jennifer Lopez Enjoying Her Company

Ain’t no good can come of this…lol it’s LeTigre and Bunny and we like the boom…hahaha

Jennifer Lopez

Likes: 103,674+ | Shares: 530+ | Source: Jennifer Lopez


Kim Kardashian’s Birthday Blast, Join & Celebrate

#Vegas #Bday #10/24/14 @TaoLasVegas
Kim Kardashian
Likes: 20,013+ | Shares: 161+ | Source: Kim Kardashian


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