Hipster Wedding – The coolest un-wedding you have ever seen

Planning your wedding? Take original amazing from this hipster wedding

They decided to have an nontraditional wedding, and they did it with all sorts of debauchery! They roamed around Vegas with smoke bombs, and got married by Elvis Presley, originally a lookalike! The groom also grabbed his bride’s back, while acting as a stripper on the bed! Yes folks, we are talking about the coolest hipster wedding to date – Australian Rock n Roll couple Ainsley Hutchence and Sebastien Fogere are the bride and groom. Enjoy some of the coolest photos captured in the most memorable hipster wedding.

Hipster Wedding

Hipster Wedding

Hipster WeddingHipster Wedding

Hipster Wedding

Hipster Wedding

Hipster Wedding

Hipster Weddings

Hipster Weddings


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