This guy improvised a beautiful street dance under a broken fire hydrant


Street dance under a broken fire hydrant

This guy improvised a beautiful street dance under a broken fire hydrant. It was authentic and real, believe me, I actually know the guy who filmed it. Wow!


The story behind this street dance

After a small car accident in Tel Aviv, the fire hydrant broke and water started spraying. You can still see the car and the police officer on the left side. Then, this dancer stepped into the scene and let his body and imagination go wild. He thought no one else was out there looking. But at least one guy with a camera was there…

The photographer of this video is Ilyan Marshak and he posted the dance to his Facebook page. He is a political activist in Tel Aviv, where the dance was performed and filmed. It was real street dance, 100% authentic with no preparations.

UPDATE: We Found the Dancer!

Or to be more accurate, he found us. We’re excited and happy to update that the dancer approached us and gave his name, Yankalle Filtser and even his Facebook profile. Turns out that his story is even more interesting, with background as an ultra Orthodox and present as a professional dancer. Happy to give the credit to this brilliant dancer!

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Street Dance under a broken fire hydrant

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